# Publications
This page contains ***selected publications*** in the fields of Smart Cities, Neuroscience, and High-Performance Computing.
For a full list of publication, check my [Lattes curriculum](http://lattes.cnpq.br/5519687175393434) and
[Google Scholar page](https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=0dg0WvQAAAAJ&hl).
- Directed functional and structural connectivity in a large-scale model for the mouse cortex.
- Nunes, RV.; Reyes, MB; Mejias, JF; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*
- Network Neuroscience, v. 1, p. 1-16, 2021 (JCR 4.625)
- A model for the peak-interval task based on neural oscillation-delimited states.
- Varella, Thiago T; Reyes, Marcelo B; Caetano, Marcelo S; *de Camargo, Raphael Y*
- Behavioural Processes, v. 168, p. 103941, 2019.
- Dissociating the sequential dependency of subjective temporal order from subjective simultaneity.
- Recio, Renan S; Cravo, André M; *de Camargo, Raphael Y*; Van Wassenhove, Virginie
- PLoS One, v. 14, p. e0223184, 2019.
- Approaching subjective interval timing with a non-Gaussian perspective.
- Aquino, TG; *de Camargo, RY*; Reyes, MB.
- Journal of Mathematical Psychology, v. 84, p. 13-19, 2018. (JCR 1.377)
- Heteroassociative storage of hippocampal pattern sequences in the CA3 subregion.
- *de Camargo, RY*; Recio, RS; Reyes, MB.
- PeerJ, v. 6, p. E4203, 2018. (JCR 2.177)
- A common representation of time across visual and auditory modalities.
- Barne, Louise C; Sato, João R; de Camargo, Raphael Y; Claessens, Peter ME; Caetano, Marcelo S; Cravo, André M
- Neuropsychologia, v. 119, p. 223-232, 2018.
- Dynamic representation of time in brain states.
- Bueno, FD; Morita VC, *de Camargo, RY*; Reyes, MB; Caetano, MS; Cravo, A.
- Scientific Reports, v. 7, p. 46053, 2017. (JCR 4.379)
Smart Cities and Health
- Predicting Dengue Outbreaks with Explainable Machine Learning
- Aleixo, Robson; Kon, Fabio; Rocha, Rudi; Camargo, Marcela Santos; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*
- 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) - Workshop AI4Health, 2022,
Taormina, Italy.
- Cravo, A; De Azevedo, G; Azarias, C; Barne, L; Bueno, F; *de Camargo, RY*; Morita, V; Sirius, E;
Recio, R; Silvestrin, M; de Azevedo Neto, R.
- Time experience during social distancing: A longitudinal study during the first months of COVID-19
pandemic in Brazil.
- Science Advances, v. 8, p. 1, 2022.
- Efficient Prediction of Region-wide Traffic States in Public Bus Networks using LSTMs.
- Amaris, M; Morais, M.; *de Camargo, RY.*
- 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation - ITSC, 2021, Indianápolis, EUA. p. 1-6
- Morais, Mayuri; *Camargo, Raphael Y.*
- A Framework for Scalable Data Analysis and Model Aggregation for Public Bus Systems.
- III Workshop de Computação Urbana (CoUrb), 2019.
High-Performance Computing
- Improving the performance of batch schedulers using online job runtime classification
- Zirigui, Salah; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*; Legrand, Arnaud; Trystam, Denis.
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, v. 164, p. 83-95, 2022.
- Evaluating Execution Time Predictions on GPU Kernels Using an Analytical Model and Machine Learning Techniques
- Amaris, Marcos; *de Camargo, Raphael*; Cordeiro, Daniel; Goldman, Alfredo; Trystam, Denis
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, v. 1, p. 1, 2022.
- One Can Only Gain by Replacing EASY Backfilling: A Simple Scheduling Policies Case Study
- Carastan-Santos, Danilo; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*; Trystam, Dennis; Zrigui, Salah
- 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID), 2019, Larnaca. 2019.
***Best paper award***
- Real-Time Scheduling Policy Selection from Queue and Machine States
- Sant’Ana, Luis ; Carastan-Santos, Danilo; Codeiro, Daniel; *de Camargo, Raphael*
- 2019 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID), 2019,
Larnaca, Cyprus.
- Sant'Ana, Luis; Cordeiro, Daniel; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*
- PLB-HAC: Dynamic Load-Balancing for Heterogeneous Accelerator Clusters.
- 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2019, Göttingen. LNCS: Euro-Par 2019: Parallel Processing, 2019. p. 197-209.
- A hybrid CPU-GPU-MIC algorithm for minimal hitting set enumeration.
- Carastan-Santos, Danilo; Martins Jr., David; Song, Siang W. ; Rozante, Luiz; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, v. 1, p. e5087, 2018.
- Obtaining dynamic scheduling policies with simulation and machine learning
- Carastan-Santos D.; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*
- International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC-Supercomputing),
2017, Denver. ***Nominated for best paper award***
- Finding exact hitting set solutions for systems biology applications using heterogeneous GPU clusters
- Carastan-Santos, D; *de Camargo, RY*; Martins, DC; Song, SW. ; Rozante, LCS
- Future Generation Computer Systems, v. 67, p. 418-429, 2016. (JCR 7.187)
- A comparison of GPU execution time prediction using machine learning and analytical modeling. 2016
- Amaris, MA; *de Camargo, RY*; Dyab, M; Goldman, Alfredo; Trystam, D.
- IEEE 15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2016. p. 326.
- PLB-HeC: A Profile-Based Load-Balancing Algorithm for Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Clusters.
- Sant'Ana, L; Cordeiro, D; *de Camargo, RY.*
- IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2015, Chicago. p. 96-105.
- A Simple BSP-based Model to Predict Execution Time in GPU Applications.
- Amaris, MA; Cordeiro, D; Goldman, Alfredo; *de Camargo, RY.*
- 2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), 2015, p. 285-294.
- Borelli, FF; *de Camargo, RY*; Martins Jr., D. C.; Rozante, Luiz .
- Gene regulatory networks inference using a multi-GPU exhaustive search algorithm.
- BMC Bioinformatics, v. 14, p. S5, 2013.
- Gene regulatory networks inference using a multi-GPU exhaustive search algorithm.
- Borelli, F. F.; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*; Martins Jr., D. C.; Rozante, Luiz.
- BMC Bioinformatics, v. 14, p. S5, 2013. (JCR 2.448)
- A multi-GPU algorithm for large-scale neuronal networks.
- *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*; Rozante, Luiz; Song, Siang W.
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, v. 23, p. 556-572, 2011.
- A Multi-GPU Algorithm for Communication in Neuronal Network Simulations.
- *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*
- 18th IEEE Annual International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2011), 2011, Bangalore
- A multi-GPU algorithm for large-scale neuronal networks.
- *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*; Rozante, Luiz ; Song, Siang W. .
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, v. 23, p. 556-572, 2011.
- Application execution management on the InteGrade opportunistic grid middleware.
- da Silva e Silva, Francisco José; Kon, Fabio; Goldman, Alfredo; Finger, Marcelo; *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*;
Filho, Fernando Castor; Costa, Fábio M.
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Print), p. 573-583, 2010.
- Reliable management of checkpointing and application data in opportunistic grids.
- *Camargo, Raphael Y.*; Castor, Fernando ; Kon, Fabio .
- Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impresso), v. 16, p. 1, 2010.
- Exploiting A Generic Approach To Construct Component-Based Systems Software In Linux Environments
- Ueyama, Jó; Madeira, Edmundo R. M.; Taiani, Francois; Camargo, *Raphael Y.; Grace*, Paul; Coulson, Geoff
- International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, v. 20, p. 843, 2010.
- Checkpointing BSP parallel applications on the InteGrade Grid middleware.
- *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*; Goldchleger, Andrei; Kon, Fabio; Goldman, Alfredo.
- Concurrency and Computation, v. 18, p. 567-579, 2006.
- Strategies for Checkpoint Storage on Opportunistic Grids.
- *de Camargo, Raphael Y.*; Kon, F. ; Cerqueira, R.
- IEEE Distributed Systems Online, v. 7, p. 1-1, 2006.