# Raphael Y. de Camargo
Associate Professor
[Center for Mathematics, Computing and Cognition (CMCC)](https://cmcc.ufabc.edu.br/)
**[Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)](https://www.ufabc.edu.br/)**
- Coordinator of the [Strategic Research Center for Data Science (DATAS)](https://datas.ufabc.edu.br/)
- Member of the Master's and Doctoral program in [Computer Science](https://neuro.ufabc.edu.br/)
- Member of the Master's and Doctoral program in [Neuroscience and Cognition](https://poscomp.ufabc.edu.br/)
Statistical and Machine Learning techniques allows us to better understand and extract information from
complex systems in multiple areas, such as Neuroscience, Smart Cities, and High-Performance Computing.
One can then improve and interact these systems, by extracting information from brain EEG signals,
providing evidence for public policies in smart cities, and improving computing resource usages in
computer systems.
I have expertise in interdisciplinary research in the fields of Neuroscience, Smart Cities, and
High-Performance Computing. I interact with researchers of those areas to apply machine
learning techniques to solve problems and improve the scientific understanding.
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